Akım Kurs olarak 1984 yılından beri eğitim sektöründe sizlere hizmet vermenin gururunu yaşıyoruz. 40 yıllık tecrübemiz ve birikimimizle her yaştan öğrenciye en iyi eğitim imkanlarını sunmayı ilke edindik.

Guidance Counseling

  • Anasayfa
  • Eğitim Koçluğu
  • Guidance Counseling

Dear Students, Parents and Staff,  
Akım Course Center Guidance Services: We Accompany You on Your Journey
As Akım Kurs Merkezi, we are here for your success and happiness. Our guidance services are based on scientific approaches to understanding and improving human behavior, emotions and relationships. We believe that scientific research plays an important role in the field of guidance and counseling because it provides strong evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of guidance practices, develop new approaches and improve existing practices.
Major Topics You Will Explore with Us:
Effectiveness of Guidance Programs: We research the effectiveness of guidance programs by evaluating their impact on student achievement, emotional well-being, and behavioral development. This helps us identify the most appropriate guidance methods for you.
Comparison of Guidance Approaches: By comparing different counseling approaches (e.g. cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-focused therapy, psychoanalysis), we guide you in determining the most appropriate method for your needs.
Measurement and Evaluation of Counseling Practices: Through the scales and questionnaires we have developed to assess the quality and effectiveness of counseling services, we continuously evaluate ourselves to increase your satisfaction and success.
Guidance and Technology: We explore the impact of integrating digital platforms (e.g. online therapy, mobile apps) into counseling services and offer the most appropriate technology-based solutions for you.
 Individual Counseling and Support
Every student has different needs and goals. Our individual counseling sessions are customized to help students cope with academic, social or emotional challenges. Our experienced guidance specialists support our students to recognize their strengths and improve their weaknesses.
Career Planning and Guidance
We are here to guide you as you create your plans for the future. Our career planning services help students explore career options that match their interests, skills and goals. We help our students prepare for a successful future by providing expert advice and resources for college applications, internship opportunities and job searches.
Training and Seminars
Our guidance services regularly organize trainings and seminars to support the personal development of students and parents. In these events, interactive sessions are organized by expert speakers and guidance specialists on topics such as stress management, communication skills and academic success strategies.
Advantages of our Guidance and Counseling Services:
Better decision-making: Individuals can make informed choices about themselves and their future.
Increased self-confidence: Individuals discover their potential and become confident in themselves.
Better problem solving skills: Individuals develop more effective ways to solve problems.
Better communication skills: Individuals are better able to express themselves and communicate more effectively with others.
Higher student achievement: Individuals are more successful in their education.
A more fulfilling career: Individuals choose a career that suits their interests and skills.
As Akım Kurs, we are committed to providing the best guidance and counseling services to our students and parents.
Boarding Camp Programs: Enriching Education with Experiences
Hello Dear Visitors,
Education does not only take place within the classroom walls; real learning experiences are shaped by memories and shared experiences. Our residential camp programs provide the perfect opportunity for students to enrich their education with experiences.
Key Features You Will Discover With Us:
1. Education in Nature: Our boarding camp programs take place in a wonderful environment surrounded by the beauty of nature. As our students explore the natural world, their passion for learning grows even more.
2. Fun and Educational Activities: Our courses offer students fun and exciting activities as well as education. With chats around the campfire, nature walks, team games and more, we strive to make our students' experiences unforgettable.
3. Personal Development Opportunities: Our residential camp programs provide a platform for students to develop leadership skills, learn teamwork and boost their self-confidence. It also allows them to make new friendships while strengthening their social skills.
4. Professional Instructors and Guidance: Our programs are led by experienced instructors and mentors. We work meticulously to ensure our students learn in a safe environment and provide the best experience.
5. Unforgettable Memories: Boarding camp experiences create unforgettable memories that last a lifetime. Our students have an experience that they will always remember the adventures and friendships they make during the camp.
With our residential camp programs, we offer an opportunity for students to enrich their education with experiences and embark on an adventure full of unforgettable memories. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Expert Teaching Staff: The Key to Success
Hello Dear Visitors,
As a Course Center, we work with an expert team of teachers to provide the best education for our students. We believe that the key to a successful educational experience is working with qualified and experienced teachers.
Advantages of Our Expert Staff:
1. Expert Teachers: Our courses are taught by experienced teachers who are experts in their fields. We share their expertise and knowledge to ensure that our students learn deeply in any subject.
2. Approach Focused on Individual Support: Understanding the needs of our students and providing them with individual support, our teachers strive to maximize the potential of each student.
3. Innovative and Effective Teaching Methods: Our expert staff uses innovative teaching methods that engage our students and encourage learning. Thus, our students enjoy their lessons more and become more successful.
4. Teachers Supporting Personal Development: We care not only about our students' academic success, but also about their personal development. Our expert teachers help our students discover their strengths, improve their weaknesses and gain self-confidence.
5. Collaborative Learning Environment: Our expert staff creates a learning environment that encourages collaboration among students. Our students develop their problem-solving skills and communication abilities while learning from each other.
Our expert teaching staff continuously develops and renews itself to improve the quality of our courses and provide the best education to our students. Join us to meet our expert staff and take a step on the road to success